Living with malignant mesothelioma

31 December 2008

Any type of cancer is not only a physical illness. People with cancer often suffer from depression and anxiety, have low self-esteem and feelings of guilt and the struggle with helplessness and fear. A diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma may feel like a death sentence. It is also very difficult for family members and friends, who feel their own pain and fear about the disease. Often family members who are involved in financial decisions and care are not willing to do. You may have to give up their jobs or time with his family to accompany the sick person to the hospital and visits to the doctor or to provide support and care at home. These are additional stress factors for family members. Although the feelings of stress, anxiety, pain and depression are normal, should not be ignored.

Good guidance, whether a therapist, a social worker, clergy, or a nurse or other health professional with experience in coping with cancer, help patients and their families. Many communities have support groups for cancer. Hospice care is usually available and can be very useful not only in relation to pain, but to help the patient and family to say goodbye. If depression or anxiety are important in connection with the drug may be necessary. Feelings of suicide should be discussed with a doctor immediately.

Patients can also make self-care and read books on how to deal with cancer available in the local library. There are many mesothelioma support groups on the Internet. Since malignant mesothelioma is a disease, some patients can have friends who have a disease related to asbestos that can be discussed with. Having a long-term task of any kind can keep people motivated and interested in life.

End of life financial planning should be done. This can be particularly difficult and painful project to find a financial planner who is experienced in working with patients is important. Dealing with issues of money and disease, while fractures and can cause problems between family members no matter how deeply the attention for each other, so having a good support system is invaluable for all.

Malignant mesothelioma, because it is caused by exposure to asbestos, which differs from other types of cancer. People with mesothelioma have the option to file lawsuits for personal injury. An application can be a difficult process for a sick person, but the money can alleviate some of the settlement costs of medical treatment and care, and the filing of a lawsuit often gives people a sense that they are doing something to care for themselves or their families when we feel powerless.


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