Mesothelioma Lawsuit

02 January 2009

A mesothelioma lawsuit is filed by a victim of mesothelioma, in order to recover damages related to its development of this cancer associated with asbestos. A case of mesothelioma can help a victim seek compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings and pain and suffering. Mesothelioma is almost exclusively as a result of toxic exposure to asbestos. The disease can remain dormant in a victim for a period of up to forty years, so that people who were exposed to asbestos in the environment in the 1950s may still be at risk of developing the disease.

Who is at risk?
Asbestos has been used for over 5000 products in the last hundred years. Asbestos is a natural mineral that is used to make products such as brakes of vehicles and building materials. Asbestos is added to these products as aid in the heat and corrosion resistance. The deadly effects of asbestos have been known for over sixty years, although still used in a variety of industries. People in the construction, automotive, factories, railways, shipyards, industries and custody may be at risk for serious health consequences resulting from toxic exposure to asbestos.

More common in men
Mesothelioma affects men three to five times as often as it affects women. It is diagnosed in patients at a mean age of 50 to 70 years. Once diagnosed, mesothelioma is fatal. The average survival time after diagnosis is only one year, because the cancer is usually in its advanced stages by the time they were discovered. For people who are diagnosed earlier, about half survive for two years and twenty percent to five years.

Why file a mesothelioma lawsuit?
A mesothelioma claim can be filed within the legal system in order to obtain compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings and pain and suffering associated with the development of this disease. Employers and Manufacturers of products containing asbestos can be held liable for injuries that develop as a result, especially when they are aware of the risks associated with the level of exposure that has caused or permitted. Contact a lawyer is often the first step in discovering what their legal rights and options could be in a lawsuit mesothelioma.


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